So name is Jo. I am, like most people, very complex. I can be different things at different times.
I am a daughter. Momma is 91. Dad passed away in 1978.
I am a sister. I have one brother and one sister.
I am a wife. Roomy has been with me over 31 years.
I am a mom. I gave birth twice, one girl and one boy. I also inherited four children when I married Roomy. He had two girls and two boys. Life happened and the girls divorced us. The boys are still part of our lives, but one more than the other, partly because one moved out of state and isn't interested in what is going on here. We have adjusted to this. Can't say we ever really accept it, but it is fact and we can't dwell on what we've lost because we have three families who need us to dwell on them and we happily do so.
About 2 years ago I retired for the second time and finally last December, a year ago, Roomy retired for the third and final time. It's been a year of adjustment for us and honestly, it's been pretty easy in most areas. Probably the hardest part has been finding our alone time. Or should I say my alone time. He goes to the downstairs "sports arena" to watch TV every evening and has done so for many years. We cannot watch much TV together because there are very few shows we both like. That's fine because I'm usually on FB and watching anyway, so there wouldn't be much conversation. It's the morning time that was hard. He likes to get up EARLY and I'm a night owl and sleep in. I also like to quietly drink my coffee and NOT TALK. He is a chatty boy in the morning. He has learned to sit quietly until I speak. It's all good. :-)
I write in streaks. I have a lot to say now and then, yet other times I feel mute. I suppose it has a great deal to do with how busy I am with household projects or family business or just grand kids. I don't like to write in small windows of time. I like to write when I can write until my head is empty. It fills with stories and characters and ideas and blog thoughts and eventually ~ I just have to sit and purge the gray matter until I am clear headed once again. That's when I HAVE to write. My goal has always been to be disciplined enough to sit for at least an hour a day and write SOMETHING. Alas, I am not that disciplined. I apparently am a writer of need. Full head...write. It works for me, so...
I was for many years a hairdresser and I always said that, right after my name. Now, I just say my name. I am kind of happy about that. I feel like I am a woman without a title and I am good with that because, as I said earlier, I am complex and many different people. So I'm now just Jo. The girl with many hats and a smile for everyone. And a hug for most!