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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nano Fiction-Three in Five

This Old House
Fifteen years ago they bought a twelve year old house and lived through these years without thought to update or replace a single inch. It became a necessity as they prepared to downsize for their retirement years. Updating would bring more money at sale time, but it also made them so happy in their beloved home that selling was not imperative. Happiness, it seems, does not require downsizing.

The OCD Cat
Chuck is a white, long haired, squishy faced, tom cat of questionable heritage. At the age of 6, he is considered to be in his prime; his humans believe it's prime OCD. Chuck turns exactly 4 times before settling at his bowl for meals. The same 4 turns before going out his cat door or re-entering. Any attempt to interrupt that routine requires a restart of the four consecutive turns because, as most know, cats are nothing if not independent.

It Must Be Love
He found the day incomplete and empty when she traveled, which she often did. She loved the trips and yet thought of him hourly while on the road, in the air or dining without him. They each smiled, kissed and hugged as she left on every new venture while each silently wished it was the last time. After thirty-five years of her comings and goings, she announced at dinner that her job had been eliminated and neither of them felt a loss.


  1. The last sentence on It Must Be Love is so perfect. :)

    Enjoyed these.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. It was kinda fun, wasn't it?

  2. I love the OCD cat! I had a dog who "called" me. He would bark once and if I didn't go to him, he would bark twice, then 3 times. He never failed - 1, 2, 3... hahaha. He looked like your Jake. I miss him so much.

    All three stories are great! Amazing when comes from these writing challenges.

    1. Thanks, Darlene. It is interesting to take on a challenge now and then.

  3. I think most cats have OCD. Maybe that's one of the reasons I don't want to live with one in my house.

    1. You could be right! :-)
      I don't live with one either, but I do love 'email.

    2. Um, I meant 'em. Of course, you knew that!

  4. I liked each of your little stories! Awesome. Even though the week has past. I may give this prompt a go. What the hell, right♥


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