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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Too little time? Really?

I think I need a wife.  You know, one of those 50's housewives we sort of remember.  I have lots of things to do around here since I've retired, but they are interfering with my spotless house ideal.  I always thought I would have plenty of time for all the things I like to do and still have that spotless house, which  I enjoy on occasion, everyday.  Five months into my second retirement I find an endless list of undone to-do stuff and my house is still just sort of clean.  What the heck?  So, I think I need to find a wife.  They don't get paid cash they get to eat the food they cook and wear the clothes they launder and enjoy the house they clean. Yep, I need one of those.

Then I could have all the time in the world to do my fun list of things to do.  Oh, I would also really enjoy having one day a week all to myself just to play or read or watch movies or do absolutely nothing.
I suppose I can't have a wife, but I can have a plan.  And here it is:  I am going to whittle down this list of undone things and stop adding to it.  I am going to finish everything I have started since January and NOT start anything new.  Eventually, I will have SPARE time.

That's a plan, but it won't work for me.  I can't ever NOT start something new.  I always have things I want to make, cook, clean out, find or re-arrange. That's who I am, I guess.  I will always have more to do than time to do it and I am now thinking, as I type this, that might just be what keeps me going.  "They" say that we all need something to get out of bed for and I never have nothing to do so I have conquered that one, at least!

How about you guys?  What gets you out of bed in the mornings?



  1. I have a question. Who are "they"?

  2. @anonymous...those who know things that the rest of us are supposed to know, but don't. They make "Life Rules" which are just facts. I don't actually know "they" at all.

  3. When do "we" start being the "they". It has to be our turn now, right?

  4. Well, now that is the question, isn't it? LOL

  5. You could just clone yourself! LOL You could try different hair styles and clothes on your clone, then if you don't like them... you're no worse for wear. Also, Clone Jo could do all the borng tedious chores while Real Jo gets to have all the fun!

  6. @Leslie...Now that sounds like a great idea. I will be watching my email for the cloning recipe. I assume you have it? I'm totally ready for this.

  7. I wrote a column years ago about needing a wife! I always say that if I ever win the lottery, I will hire one...and I will pay her very, very well. :O)

  8. @Word Nerd...Funny, I wrote a poem about it when my kiddos were just little munchkins.


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