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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking Back? Forward? Happy New Year!

Not one to lounge around rethinking what is done and can't be undone, I look forward, most often if I'm thinking of anything other than now.  On the brink of a new year, I wonder what is in store for "us"as a couple, "us" as a family and "us"as friends.
Taking a moment to look back, it's been a stressful time for my family with many good and love-filled times mixed in. Life is often that way. At the end of 2013 I see little changing except acceptance of things that cannot be changed. Making new plans for the new life that has had alterations that were not wanted, but were applied. We will find our way and we will survive and might even find a better life, at the end of the day.
All in all, 2013 brought the couple a wonderful amount of family time and grandkids time and Momma had a fairly good year with only one tiny medical scare, which turned out to be age related and at 91, she is in good health. The couple began retirement life with a full lower level remodel and we have enjoyed it every day since it's completion last April. The retirement life has gone quite well so one year in, I'd say this is going to be a good way to face the golden years. Just walking through them enjoying the life we've built.
What does 2014 hold for any of "us"?  I don't know, but I see another opportunity to grow as people. Another chance to be a better person. Lord knows, I have a great deal of room for improvement.  I think it's the year of finding who I want to be for the rest of my life. I am realizing that I have spent a lot of energy and time climbing mountains for people I care about and for people who needed a friend only to find that they don't cross the sidewalk for me for any reason. I'm not willing to do that any more. I'm still willing to be there for anyone who needs me and I will give whatever I have to give, but it will not be available on a let me drop my life right here and run to you, basis. It may be a little more on my schedule. I'm not going to find this change easy, but I'm going to work on it.
I am personally going to lower my expectations. I have begun this long lesson and it has worked for my level of happiness and relationships have gotten better because I am just accepting people I really love for who they are without expectations of them doing what I'd like. But, rather being overjoyed at what they do.  It turns out to be better all around that way. The less you ask or expect, apparently, the more you actually receive. I will work on spreading that no expectation thing to everyone in my life.
As long as I can feel loved by those I love, it's a good life. As long as I can feel the sun and not live in eternal winters, life is good.

Happy 2014 to you all and if you'd like,  leave a comment about your "new" plans!



  1. Jo, I think you have hit on the secret to a happy life. I have found over the years that when we 'expect' certain things out of other people, we only set ourselves up for disappointment. It is much better to expect little and be overjoyed when they give a lot. I know it has been an up and down year for you and I feel your sadness in this post. For you, my dear friend, I wish for 2014 to be filled with peace and joy. Happy New year, Jo!

    1. Thank you, KAT, so much. It is going to be a better year...I'm sure of it!
      Sending you all the best wishes for the same good health and endless giggles!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sometimes each year I feel like I'm growing as a person . . . literally. I keep hoping for a slim body and fat bank account, but God always gets it backwards.

    1. Same here, Joyce! LOL
      And I wake up every day hoping to be the person my dogs think I am and yet...still a work in progress!
      Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year Jo. I look forward to growing as a writer and creating more art in the new year. Exploring those avenues and cultivating the friendships I cherish so. Happy New Year! ♥

    1. Sounds just right, Kathy. Happy New Year to you, as well!

  5. So glad the move into retirement has been a positive one! Wonderful that you give so much of yourself, but like the model of paying yourself first, I think there's nothing wrong with stepping back and taking a moment to make sure you are providing everything for yourself that you need. And I believe it helps to make us better people and more giving... :) Happy New Year to you and your crew!

    1. Thank you so much for this kind of support. You know that giving is how we stay relevant in our lives, but it really does have to go both ways or it becomes using. Not a fan of being used.

      Happy 2014 to you and yours, my friend.

  6. Glad you are enjoying your retirement. Yes, we certainly do find out who are friends are in times of adversity.
    May an abundance of love, peace and joy flow your way all through 2014. Enjoy your year. Love and hugs.

    1. What a lovely wish! Thank you, Suzy. You are just filled with the sweetest kinda love. <3

  7. Yay you and I totally get dropping those people wouldn't cross the street for you but expect you to stop, drop and roll when they need something, only in the end to have them turn on you, and you know what I say to that Jo, "F*ck 'em!" They're toxic individuals and who needs that? And you're absolutely right to take expectations out of the equation, anymore I don't know who the hell people are anymore or why they do the things they do and I'm done trying to figure them out. Clearly they need more help than I am qualified to give, again, "f*ck 'em!" Hahahaha.. That should have been my motto for 2014!
    Great post as always. Happy, happy New Year to you friend!

    1. I'm not sure that wasn't your motto! And I'm not sure it wasn't appropriate!
      Now let's just hope '14 is a better year.



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