The Home Page

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


"My Wandering Mind" is 1 year old. On May 20, 2011, I wrote my first blog on GBE2 and pushed the publish button.

I also had no idea how many friends I would find here. How many people I would connect with on a writing level and how many would enter my heart as people. I feel like a kid in a candy store every time I visit any of the three groups I have joined. BFF has three topics a week, though I don't write on all of them, I write on most of them. I read everything posted on them.  The Writer's Post has one topic a week and I usually write on that one and read all who do. GBE2, my first group, I write on every week and I read all the posts on topic. I love my fellow writers and I love the support they have given me for this year. I adore the fact that my real life friends and some family have found my blogs fun or interesting or well done or whatever often enough that they come by to read quite often. I even drafted a few friends into GBE2, though they aren't writing now, I hope they'll be back. They all have something to offer and I enjoyed reading their work.

Thank you, each and every one of you who have read, commented or even pm'ed me a line of encouragement or criticism. I appreciate your time, your opinions and most of all your love and support. I am so blessed to be in the midst of such talent and good souls. Oh sure, there are some stinkers out there, but that's life, isn't it? Nine hundred ninety nine wonderful people and one not so much. It's a reality check.

So for's the link to my first blog...May 20, 2011.  I remember clearly writing it. 

I had 40 views and 4 comments. Two of them were me replying.  One was Beth, the group's originator and one was my sister.  Thank you Beth and Pat for starting me off with something.
I was so happy, seriously.  ♥



  1. Great post Jo-- I'm so glad I found you through the blogging groups. You have proven to be one of the kindest and most encouraging friends. Thank you for being you, I'm blessed to know you!!

    ♥ Jenn

    1. That is so nice of you Jenn. Thank you. I have so loved getting to know you and learning about your job and your family. Writing friends are just so close, so open with each other. ♥ Thank you.

  2. Happy 1st year blog-aversary! I have a feeling that we will be seeing each other a lot ... Nice meeting you!

  3. Happy Blogiversary, Jo! Milestones are important! Celebrate!

  4. I'm glad I found these groups too and you!

  5. Happy Bloggy Anniversary! I'm so glad you found the GBE, both for the ability to read your blogs and even more for the opportunity to get to know you. You ROCK!

    1. Thank you and I feel the same. The difference is that you have been instrumental in helping me develop and I am very grateful for both your input and your friendship. (hugs)

  6. Happy Anniversary to my Hero - for pointing me in this direction - you are the BEST!

    1. I miss your contributions! Hope you're planning to return ! Thank you <3

  7. Happy Bloggy Anniversary Jo!! I am so glad we found each other in cyberspace. Congratulations on a year of blogging and here is to many, many more...clinks of champagne glasses!! You have become a dear friend and I am blessed to have you. ♥♥

  8. Happy anniversary Jo! Rad your first post - LOVED the line: "I used to know things. Now I think things." It's been a pleasure getting to know you since I've started blogging in January. Cheers to many more great posts!

    1. Thank you ,Amy and the pleasure is all mine.

  9. Great anniversary, the first is so special :)))

  10. I know what you mean, Jo! I really appreciate each and every person that stops by my blog and leaves a comment. We're all a bunch of deep thinkers! ;)

    1. Yep that's it! LOL I like the interaction and I like if I touch someone, they let me know. It's just plain to fun to share thoughts after reading someone's thoughts. ♥

  11. Happy Blog-versary Aunt Jo! I hope mine reaches the same level of success in a year. Thanks for starting ME off with something on my first one. ;) Love ya!

    1. LOL...Thanks Sweet Boy. I'm happy you have decided to start writing, it's such a great therapy for busy minds. If you'd like to join this group, just let me know, I have pull! :)
      We have a prompt once a week to inspire writing and it's great to see how differently everyone responds to the same word, picture or idea.
      You're off to a good start! I love you, too. ♥

    2. Done and welcome aboard! ♥

  12. What I find so amazing is that you have only been doing it for a year. Your work is wonderful, confusing, thought provoking, and downright enjoyable! Keep the works flowing.

    1. I have only been blogging for a year. I have been writing since I was old enough to sort of spell. Blogging is such a release for me because I can just lay it out there in black and white or pink and it's out of my head.
      Thank you for always being kind and complimentary, but if you don't like one or twenty, you can tell me that, too!
      ♥ I mean that in the Biblical way. ;)


I really want to know that YOU were here...please drop me a note or just say Hi ~ I do love a comment and it keeps me motivated!

You write and I will answer. Eventually. Show the love!