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Monday, June 18, 2012

The Journey

Fresh out of a deep sleep, eyes opening slowly and a bit blurry, the day begins. Another journey in a long line of journeys begins.
Coffee, more coffee, shower, make the bed, straighten up the house on the way to the coffee maker for third coffee and fresh air on the deck and the journey continues.
The pool needs attention. Skim it, check the chemical balance, check the filter basket, backwash, add chlorine and smile as feet touch the water in the top step.
Flower beds need weeding and watering. Potted plants need dead-heading and watering.
Check Facebook and blog comments and emails. Hang out on FB a little too long.
Lunch of cottage cheese and fruit of some sort, berries today.
Paint the planter that hasn’t been painted in a couple of years.
Clean up that mess.
Replace the latches on the back gate. Drill, screws, new latches fairly quick job. Put stuff away and get inside to clean and plan dinner.
Vacuum, dust and file some papers.
Watch General Hospital with a nice tall cold water.
Take a quick dip in the pool with Jake. A dog needs his exercise.
Prepare dinner and take care of last nights dishes.
When Roomy gets home have dinner and clean up the kitchen.
Settle in for an evening of FB and TV.
Bedtime is 2 or 3. Beauty sleep is needed.
This is the journey of one of my days.
And some are even a bit more exciting.



  1. Your day makes me feel guilty. I don't do that much cleaning up and home care even when I'm not post-op!

    1. Not all days are that productive. Some days are just for hanging around and enjoying everything I sometimes have to work on. Summer is not for over-working imho. ♥

  2. The writers day....short and cute!

    1. The prompt was tell a tale of a journey in EXACTLY 250 words. Most of my journeys require many more words. Well, the good ones and the bad ones do. The mundane journeys such as this one, I can do in 250 words EXACTLY! ;)

  3. Thank you for taking us on one of your daily journeys!! This was fun :)

    1. Ya know I had just written Our Journey and hadn't published it yet when you put up the prompt. I had way over 250 words, so I just wrote this one and then posted Our Journey under BFF prompt for How Do You Mend a Broken worked! :) Thanks Jenn. :)

  4. Just reading this makes me feel exhausted - and lazy too! What a lot you pack into a day :-)

    1. Some days I do pack in a lot and then others, like today, I just kick back and enjoy my sunshine and warmth and maybe jump in the pool. Maybe just lay around in the pool, after I get it cleaned! The wind blew here last night and I left the cover open so I have to clean up some before it's ready to lounge! :)

  5. Great job. Ugh can't think of one yet....

    1. Thank you C,,,how about a trip or journey through your beautiful little coffee shops area?

  6. You get a lot done in a day Jo! I am impressed!


    1. I just make it sound like a lot. It's a lot of little stuff. ♥

  7. I wish I had half your energy! I don't get that much done in a week!

    1. I don't have it every day, so when it strikes, I make it work for me! ♥


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