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Monday, June 18, 2012


BFF 200 prompt

As we each pass through this life we reach, miss or touch many hundreds of milestones. Our own birth, rolling over, sprouting teeth, that first step so many more 'firsts' that it would fill a book to list. I shall not do that to you, my dear and precious readers and friends. Instead I'd look lovingly (?) at some of the common milestones we don't necessarily talk about with just anyone.

Do you, for example, remember your first pimple?  Blemishes are often associated with teenage years but for some it's a 30 something issue. As the hormones shift gears and prepare for senioritis, some find spots and splotches and some find big ole whoppin' ziteroonies on their once porcelain-like face. That's a milestone. The first zit that looks like a crater on the moon surface is something many of us may have erased from our memories.

Your first car 'incident'?  Were you involved in an accident? Your fault? Not? Did you forget where you left your car? (Just me? Okay, moving on.) Did you buy a lemon or get the perfect deal on a car you loved? Our cars, either our first car or our first 'perfect' car is a milestone to rival the actual awarding of the driving license. Owning your own wheels is HUGE and most of us have a story about that. 

How about the first, very first, meal you made in a kitchen by yourself? Was it a good one, a decent first attempt or a disaster? Was it followed by more of the same or some combination of good tries and total failures? Did it make you love or hate cooking? It's a milestone for a lot of us and for some of us, it was our first attempt at being an adult. 

Not all milestones are life changing and not all are even celebrated, but all change something in our lives. Like the first house, apartment, mobile home or whatever that you lived in without one of your parents or guardians. Do you remember every single detail of that place? Do you often remember your life there? Is it a horrible memory or a delightful one or maybe and most likely something in between? It's a milestone we almost all share. It's a time in our life when we entered adulthood and for some of us it is a giant milestone and for some of us, a vague memory. 

So many small and possibly insignificant things throughout our lives change something fundamental inside of us and in reflection, are the true milestones though not celebrated like birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings or any of the obvious milestones. 

In fact, our lives are made up of milestone after milestone.  Kind of creating one big milerock which is our history.



  1. I really, really like this... I guess our "milerocks" are pretty big at this point in our lives... hee hee

  2. Milestones, a good choice of words. I am reminded that God always had the children of Israel put up rocks as 'stones of rememberance' so that when their children asked them what the stones were for, it gave them and opportunity to remember and share with them the goodness of God.I am definitely a rock gatherer.Velda

    1. I think we all are. Our rocks, stones or boulders hold the highlight memories that lead to all the other memories I think. You are in a lot of my stones, ya know! lol ♥

  3. So true, our whole lives are just millions of milestones connected together like one big necklace. Well done Jo!! ♥


  4. As you say, milestones can be good or bad, but either way they are important times in our lives.

    1. I agree even if they are little milestones, they make something change. ♥

  5. You always "take me there"...then I must self reflect and get in touch with my own emotions. Thank you, friend.

    1. Leigh, I think we all kind of do that for each other. Often seeing a topic through another's eyes will make us rethink something we thought we already understood about ourselves.
      I hope I help you understand yourself much more deeply because I think you are worth knowing inside out.

  6. You know... I wondered what the heck was going on when I started getting spots in my late 30's. I sailed through my teens without so much as the hint of a blemish and couldn't work out why I should develop the spot equivalent of the plague so late in life. Now I know what it was, thanks to you, Jo... prep for senioritis *grin*

    1. I did the same. The mid-life acne did not make me happy and now I know it's because I never had the excess oil until then. Now I am a combination mess and I still at 62, still get the occasional blemish! AND I have wrinkles because my face is fairly dry even though I moisturize daily with stupidly expensive creams. *sigh* seniorhood is not horrid, but it does have it's moments! ♥


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